Let's reduce your petrol and diesel bill by 20% without you spending any money.

19th October 2024

Many of you are worried about the rise in petrol and diesel prices given the useless war in the Ukraine. As my gift to you let me tell you how to reduce your petrol and diesel bill by 10-20% without spending any money.

Here is proof of what kind of savings can be made.

Watch this 7 and a half minute video showing how to make such savings and then you can download a factsheet showing how I made such savings.

Do you want to save even more money on your petrol and diesel?

Then watch this 2-minute video about XFT fuel additive. Some people get 10-20% savings or more on their fuel usage just by pouring it into their tank.

It increases fuel economy, reduces harmful emissions, it reduces service costs and increases horsepower. Check out this 2 minute video.

Before you ask it doesn't harm your vehicle in any way. If you download my free petrol and diesel saving guide by right clicking here you'll see proof that it doesn't. You are protected by a worldwide $4 million insurance policy that will replace your vehicle on a new for old basis in case the additive harms your vehicle. In some 20 years nobody has put a claim in!

To give an example my car dealership told me not to use the additive in my car for fear of damage. At my annual service I asked about my harmful emissions. They said the gases coming out of my exhaust were cleaner than the air and there was no damage to my engine and the like. I told them I'd been using XFT for a year. The same happened with my Mum's car!

Check out these videos of people showing the results they have got.

See this 20 second video.

Now look at this 90 second video.

Now look at this 6 minute video.

Now get some additive

However before you do just consider this.

Before the lockdown Johnny from North Street Couriers Sheffield bought some. He normally spent £300 a week in fuel. He was getting an extra 100 miles per tank!

A young lady called Judith told me " Every so often I have to travel from Ormskirk to Glasgow to see my family. It usually takes me two tanks of diesel. Now I can go there and back for one and a half tanks, saving me £30 in fuel each time."

My mum’s diesel use has halved.

You need to do two things.

Firstly right click here to download my free guide on how to cut your fuel use by 20% which includes the ninja instructions of how to get the best out of XFT

The total ninja method to get the best results is to fill up at night, pour the additive down the fuel nozzle and dispense your fuel and leave it in overnight before driving any significant distance. However don't let the cashier see you do this- I've been escorted off the premises by doing this! When I do this I always open my car doors so they can't see me do this!

Click here to make a one off purchase for £50.15 (plus shipping) for a 120 ml bottle.

Click here to get a shipment of one bottle every other month for £47.60 plus shipping. If you do 10,000 miles a year - which is the UK average- then this is the best option for you. If you do more than 10,000 miles a year then you'll need to go to http://www.mydailychoice.com/jamesbond007 and choose a bigger pack. My contact details are on that website so contact me through there and I can advise.

HINT. Take the regular shipment option. It's really easy to cancel. The commonest mistake my customers make is they run out, they have to re-order and then have to double dose again when it arrives because they've had to go for a week without any additive and wasted money.
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Who am I

My name is Bond, Dr. James Bond, I am a health and fitness expert and a Sheffield Star fitness columnist. I have also been featured in the Daily Mail for weight loss and I have been featured in the Daily Mail for knife crime. I work with people who want to improve their quality of life- particularly those who want to lose weight. What makes my service different is that I am the only personal fitness trainer in the North of England who is a qualified medical doctor. Therefore I can take on the general public and super high-risk cases that other fitness professionals will not dare like this lady, the case of Deborah Fox.

My main focus is that I live stream fitness classes across the internet at 9 for 9:15 pm at night when the kids are in bed for £1.50 per day. Every month I do a competition where you can win a year's free training. If you don't win this month you'll be entered into the next month's draw. Now all entrants get a 7-day free trial. See http://www.operationmumsinmind.co.uk

Why is a fitness trainer talking of this?

The number one cause of obesity is poverty see this article on it

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Now the case studies you will see are very exciting. We’re sharing them because it’s important for people to realize that others have actually accomplished the programmes created and to see it is possible.it seems today that everybody is trying to sell you something and make ridiculous claims that you can just press a few buttons and still make money. That is not how it works. These specific people worked very hard and were dedicated. Yes they followed the programme but it’s not 100% of WHY they succeeded. We do our best to ensure that everybody has a shot of making it but the truth is that like anything else in life there is a lot more involved than a step by step programme. These people are special in that they reached their goals but that doesn’t mean you will. We do our best to give you every asset we can to help you reach them but only you are responsible for your success which the programme or fail. We could just put “results not typical” here in really small text but we think it’s our job to make you understand that you reach your goals you will have to work hard, learn a lot and execute. We’re here to help and look forward to working with you.

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