Scroll down to find out more. before the timer runs out. Watch the two videos, then read the stuff below and fill in the form.

Now watch this one.
Are you a mother? How would you like to be on full time pay, on part time hours? Would you like to earn more part time than your partner does full time? Would you like to work in between school runs? Would you like to work from home? Would you like to work from your home computer with no childcare issue?
Many couples in the UK cannot afford to have more children. When you go on maternity leave your income halves. At the time of writing the UK minimum wage is £8.72 per hour for those over 25. Let's assume you work for 40 hours per week. That equates to £348.80 per week. After tax and national insurance that works out at £275.68.
Childcare per child is £45 per child per day. Assuming you work for 5 days that works out at £225 per week. Hence a mother who returned to work would take home £275.68-£225= £50.68 per week.
That works out at £1.27 per hour over a 40-hour week.
That's why many families rely on tax credits, universal credit and child benefit to get by.
Many people are on zero-hour contracts, so they don't know one week to the next if they have work.
All too often the other half (if there is one) has to take on a second job. That results in the other half having the heart-breaking situation of missing the children growing up.
Inflation is 3%. Wage rises if you are lucky are 1%. Hence your wages are worth less and less. Hence many people cannot afford to have kids. Is it any wonder the UK birth rate is falling?
Worse still many people can't afford to put anything into a private pension. So, they retire on the state pension of £134.75 per week- around 40% of what they were struggling to live on to start with. Hence so many pensioners work in supermarkets.
So, what is the answer? Simple-it’s multiple sources of income.
I am a fitness trainer and I get all my ladies on at least 3 legal sources of income on top of their wage. In most cases you ask people a few questions. The best one is "Is there room in your bank account for some extra money?” If they are interested, you text them a link to a YouTube video. Then you ask them to listen in on the way home. When they get home, you use skype or WhatsApp or mobile phone 3 way calling and get a member of my team on the call. We do the rest. You enjoy the regular money coming in and duplicate.
Or you simply get them on one of our live presentations where we do all the work for you. You enjoy the regular money coming in and duplicate.
You bring the guest- we do the rest!
Can you do that? Of course, you can!
The goal is to get 5 million women to be able to be full time mothers earning more part time from home, in between school runs, than hubby does full time from work. These women will be able to get the kids ready for school, take them to school, work from home until say 2:30pm, and be full time mothers until the kids go to bed. However, in doing so they'll earn more than hubby does full time from work and get a 0.5-1% pay rise every month.
The other goal is to get 5 million people to be able to retire 5 years early but be on an income of at least three times in retirement what they were whilst working. This is using a business model endorsed by Donald J Trump.
You invest a sum of £0-£1500 (and I can show you how to join for next to nothing using a pre-sale. Don't let the lack of money for the initial investment put you off!!!! You work for 30 minutes to one hour a day unpaid using a tried and tested system. All training is given, we just fine tune skills you already possess and use every day with expert fashion. By the time your kids get to school you'll be in a position to get your kids ready for school, take them to school, work in between school runs from home, potentially earn more part time than any partner does full time, get the kids from school and be a full-time mother in the evening.
I will also get you into trading on the currency exchanges. Now UK government income is £850-900 billion a year. Every day some £4-5 trillion is traded on the currency exchanges. If you do the high risk trades you can become very rich but you can also become bankrupt within the next 5 minutes.If you do the low risk trades where you get £1.05-£1.10 for every £1 you put in then you won't become a millionaire but you can become very comfortable. This assumes appropriate stop losses in to make sure you don't lose money.
90% of retail traders lose 90% of their money in the first 90 days because they spend 90% of their time looking at 90% of the markets putting in 90% of their budget.
You'll be trained to put in 1% of your budget into a trade and only concentrate on the 7 major currencies and do the end of day trading.
Due to time zone differences and the times when the foreign markets open and close we are in a unique situation. Around 1030-1130 at night you can be what is known as an end of day trader.After that go and do something else! It doesn't affect the day job nor your family life.
You can become very comfortable within 12 months. It's quite possible you can take home another £1000 per month. For many people out there another £1000 per month is life changing.
These articles show what I am on about.
(1) High Prices see residents count rising cost of Living Sheffield Star Date checked 19th April 2018
(2) War on wages reveals professions earning less than they did 7 years ago. How does yours compare? Date checked 18th October 2018
(3) There are more women in work than when records began 50 years ago, with 4.9million holding down a job over the age of 50 due to rise in pension age and financial pressures Date checked 19th April 2019.
(4) Number of children in absolute poverty across UK hits 3.7 million after increases of 200,000 in a year Date checked 19th April 2019.
Before you fill in the form below, please read the references below showing what I can do. I will do for your finances what I can do for your fitness.

007 Fitness Heaven-Sheffield Star
Goths have bomber in their corner
Sheffield star article on obesity
Daily Mail 10th December 2021 on knife crime
Please try not to cry when you see the story of The story of Deborah Fox
Deborah Fox in Pick Me Up (National women’s magazine)
Click here to see the inspirational the story of Alison Brelsford- a modern day Xena Warrior Princess. She wrote "I was really impressed with my chat with James. He really is inspirational. Alison Brelsford Book keeper."(on facebook)
Click here to see the amazing story of Leigh Ann Arundel- If everyone was like her the world would be a much better place. She wrote “Great personal trainer, very supportive and seeing results already after 3 sessions. Very impressed.” Leigh Ann Arundel Owner of Jingle Jewellery 07748 424508
Here you can see details of the husbands who complain about my fitness programme My £1 per day exercise programme made their wives want more sex than their men can handle
“Guess what? Surprise of all surprises. I can’t wear most of the garments in my wardrobe. They fitted me six weeks ago but now I’ve quite stuck for things to wear. James’ bootcamp must be to blame for my dilemma. Fortunately I have an old wardrobe in a spare room with my favourite classics I could not bear to throw and yet was too big to wear. I just discovered I can wear the majority of it now. I’ve so happy. My lovely off the shoulder jumper not worn for 5 years in back in action- I feel silf like and slim” Fiona Gallager Mr. Bens ( Sheffield 0114 2666470
“I know this isn't exactly a massive transformation but me and my boyfriend have been together a while now. Were really comfortable together so my weight started to pile on and make me feel uncomfortable. Id gone to a size 12 pushing to be more. Im a tall girl so I've never really been tiny but I've lost a stone through some of the tips and tricks I've seen on Facebook and I'm now a smaller but very comfortable size 10 I even have abs on the way now Just want to say thanks for all the help” Becca Martin on facebook.
“So many wonderful and educational posts! If I lived across the pond, I would be training with this group every single day! LOVE this company.” Christine Solazzo from the USA on facebook
“Had a fantastic Zumba Gold class! Brilliant instructor! definitely recommend :)” Amy Hopkins Student Sheffield on facebook
“Had a great 1st experience of Zumba. Zumba gold was amazing and the instuctor was helpful and took his time with me. Felt very comfortable” Alex Joy Student Sheffield on facebook
“My first session of zumba gold with James Bond- Wed 930 absolutely brilliant!! Presentation, tuition and music- spot on! Anne Saunders Nurse Sheffield
"I've been doing the James Bond Nordic Walking Bootcamp for 3 weeks now. Since then I can now fit into a pair of trousers that 6 months ago I couldn't fit into. Woo hoo :-). It's fab if I can do it anyone can!!! "
Helen Francis Temple Spa Lifestyle consultant 07927747801 [email protected]
“I've been doing buggyfit with James Bond once a week for the past 6 weeks and for the first time in over 2 years I stepped on the scales and weigh less than 10 stone..woo hoo!”
Kerys Parks Optician Sheffield (as detailed on facebook)
Three weeks in and great results - I have discovered my waist and pre pregnancy jeans whilst Harry has enjoyed the fish air and entertainment.
Rachel Burlace Accountant Sheffield (as detailed on facebook)
"By the 3rd week of boot camp I'd seen a noticeable and positive improvement in 2 key areas; the back of my thighs were toned and defined, and my chest/shoulder area was too. Very pleasing results!"
Rosalyn Stancliffe Photographer Sheffield. 0114 2331135
“I joined James Bond Training in summer 2012 to get fitter and exercise. I attend 2-3 days a week and have seen great results and benefits.
“I have lost weight and have dropped a dress size from size 12 to size 10. I can now fit into all my clothes and look much better. Friends and colleagues have commented on the weight loss. I feel fitter and my energy levels are much higher and I also feel it has had a positive effect on my mental health and confidence.
“The classes are enjoyable and a lot of fun. Also James provides you with lots of health information and helpful advice.
“The classes are outdoors which I find very good as I do not like working out in a gym. The classes are relaxed and vary according to your needs and James will adjust the exercises to meet your needs. It is also enjoyable working out with other people and it helps to keep you motivated. A great way to keep healthy and fit.
“James gives you lots of praise for your efforts and is always interested in your progress.
“I would highly recommend James Bond.
Vivien Peacock Childcare Professional "My bootcamp with James has helped to tone my body and energise me. I feel the benefit despite the initial hard work. There is an increase in both my fitness levels and my day to day energy. The bootcamp has not only been enjoyable but it has provided em with an hour of the day to focus on m! The bonuses of the exercise are endless."
Alyson Blunkett Book keeper Sheffield
"I have been doing James Bond's Nordic walking for two weeks doing two sessions a week. With some of my trousers you have to make a lot of effort to get into them but I tried to get into a pair and they went on much easier. My tummy feels a lot flatter as well. The results are amazing.
“I have been on other bootcamps before and I didn't lose anything and just ended up in a lot of pain afterwards. With nordic walking you work really hard but you don't feel it.”
Jo Cunningham Nurse Sheffield
"I started the nordic walking bootcamp in September 2011. since then my arms have toned up as have my legs and tummy. I have lost weight and all my clothes fit me better. My friends have noticed too." Laura Wild: childcare assistant Crescent Nursery Sheffield
James has given my 11 year old daughter a renewed confidence in herself. She now excells in sports, is fitter and has opened a new life for herself.
Angela Lavender make up artist
I was feeling a little nervous and apprehensive before starting the induction. But if you know me you will be aware that the decision to join is way out of my comfort zone. As I hate structured exercise, and have never been a member of a gym I have always had an active job until these last few years and fast approaching fifty needed something to spur my weight loss as a weight watchers member.
I had no need to worry. James made me feel comfortable from the start of the session. He praised and motivated us along the way. IT was great as we could have a talk and a laugh so it was not too serious. Before I knew it the session was over and at first I did not feel much different. But it obviously helped me a lot because at the week’s weight in I lost four and a half pounds and I feel fantastic”
Georgina Green Sheffield
"I really enjoyed the nordic walking with you and I had no aches the following day" (the name is real I can assure you)
Sharron Stone Accountant sheffield
"When training with you I can switch off from everything else and have no fears as to how well I do. You’re a great PT and I would recommend you to anyone!"
"James too is fantastic. I could have never made it without him"- from Elaine gets a kick out of fund-raising after she did 50 x 3 minute rounds on a punch bag- a super human feat!
Elaine Hudson accountant Sheffield
I am 40 years old, I have been training with James Bond for the past 5 weeks now and the results have been fantastic. I have lost 9lb My trousers are now baggy on me My legs are more toned My stomach is becoming more toned My arms are becoming more toned I can now sit on the floor cross legged – fantastic as I work in a school!! People that I have not seen for a while have noticed that I have lost weight I feel much better in myself I have been going to the gym for a couple of years now but I was not pushing myself enough to change the shape of my body. James has certainly pushed me to make that dream of being slimmer and fitter a reality.
More of Dawn can be seen on Mum pleased as punch after hitting £300 target for heart charity in the Sheffield Star. A superhuman feat if I ever saw one!
Dawn Hubbard, teacher Sheffield
I would like to let you know that I find my work outs with you fantastic.
I have lost 7 centimetres form my waist since Christmas and this is solely down to the training I have been doing with you.
Kathleen Eastwood Civil Servant Sheffield
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Now the case studies you will see are very exciting. We’re sharing them because it’s important for people to realize that others have actually accomplished the programmes created and to see it is seems today that everybody is trying to sell you something and make ridiculous claims that you can just press a few buttons and still make money. That is not how it works. These specific people worked very hard and were dedicated. Yes they followed the programme but it’s not 100% of WHY they succeeded. We do our best to ensure that everybody has a shot of making it but the truth is that like anything else in life there is a lot more involved than a step by step programme. These people are special in that they reached their goals but that doesn’t mean you will. We do our best to give you every asset we can to help you reach them but only you are responsible for your success which the programme or fail. We could just put “results not typical” here in really small text but we think it’s our job to make you understand that you reach your goals you will have to work hard, learn a lot and execute. We’re here to help and look forward to working with you.